May 3, 2023

BNI Windsor- Networking made fun

This post was written by: Laaibah Bhatti

BNI. The real reason Kulbir is up and motivated on a Friday morning.

Here are just a few reasons why we love BNI networking at Aston Bond :

  • Generating new leads- Networking with other business professionals helps us to build professional relationships and create relevant contacts that can help us achieve long-term goals.
  • Staying informed about industry trends-  Having a good network means we stay up-to-date with industry trends and news. This is beneficial as we learn about new opportunities or potential threats to our business.
  • Having a competitive edge- A strong network can gives us a competitive edge over our competitors. Having a good network means we can have access to information and resources that our competitors may not have.

All in all, we are happy to be a part of a thriving business community!

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