June 16, 2020

Changes to Building Regulations Approved Document B (Fire Safety)

This post was written by: admin

On 26 May 2020, the government announced amendments to Building Regulations Approved Document B (Fire Safety). These amendments affect blocks of flats and form part of the government’s response to the Grenfell Tower disaster.

Under present regulations, the trigger height for when sprinklers are required in a block of flats is 30 metres. However, from 26 November 2020 sprinkler systems will be required to be installed where a building is 11 metres or taller. These sprinklers should be provided within the individual flats.

The updated amendments also provide a new provision for wayfinding signage for the fire service. The government have stated that each floor in a block of flats more than 11 metres above ground level should have floor identification signs and flat indicator signs provided.  Such signs should be located on every landing of a protected stairway and every protected corridor/lobby in a format and at a height that makes them easily visible.

The full amendments can be found at:
