December 3, 2024

Conveyancing Glossary

This post was written by: Riya Sekhon

The Conveyancing process can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the technical terms involved. To make things easier, Aston Bond has created a Conveyancing Glossary, proving straightforward and clear definitions of key terms to guide you through your property transaction with confidence.

AP1 Application form for Land Registry. The AP1 form is used to register changes to a property’s title, such as: Change of name, Transfer of ownership, change of address, Adding / removing a joint owner, Adding / removing a mortgage or legal change.

BSOL – This is used to refer to the Buyer’s Solicitor

COTCertificate of Title. A document sent to the Lender that formally requests the drawdown of the mortgage monies. It also confirms various pieces of information to the lender that are crucial to the individual matter.

CL – This is used to refer to the Client.

CONTR1Contract and Transfer. A contract is the agreement between the buyer and seller, while a transfer is the legal document that transfers ownership of the property at Land Registry.

CVConveyance. The legal process of transferring ownership of a property from one person to another.

DCDeath Certificate. A legal document that’s required as evidentiary support to the effect that a seller has died.

DOGDeed of Gift. A process by which the buyers’ solicitor provides various information to the Giftors of a Gifted Deposit. The Giftors then must take independent Legal Advice from another Firm of Solicitors.

Stat Dec – Referring to a Statutory Declaration. This is made by an individual and confirms, while being sworn in front of a solicitor, that the contents of the document are true. It is like being sworn in a Court of Law.

DOT Deed of Trust. A legal document that outlines the financial arrangements for a property owned by two or more people. It is used when the property is held as “Tenants in Common”.

DOVDeed of Variation. Varies the terms of another document, usually a Lease.

EA – This is used to refer to the Estate Agent. 

F&C (TA10)Fittings & Contents Form. A document that lists the items included in the property sale and what is being taken with the sellers.

FHFreehold. This is when you own the property and the land it’s built on, with no fixed time limit on your ownership. You have complete control over the property and are responsible for its maintenance.

GOPGrant of Probate. A legal document that gives the executors of a Will the authority to sell and transfer the property, and other assets, of a deceased person.

LL Landlord. A person who owns the property that’s being rented out.

L/E – Lease Extension. The process of extending the length of a lease on a property.

LH Leasehold. Referring to a property owned by Lease rather than outright.

MOSMemorandum of Sale. A document that records the details of a property sale and the agreed-upon terms between the buyer and seller.

MOAMoney on Account. A payment made up front to cover some initial costs of the conveyancing process.

M/OMortgage Offer. A document from a lender that confirms details of a formal agreement to lend a mortgage sum to the prospective buyers of a property.

OMOn the Market. Referring to an instruction by a seller where the property is on the market, but a buyer has not yet been found.

OSSOL – This is used to refer to the Other Side’s Solicitor.

PIF (TA6)Property Information Form. A document that sellers complete to provide buyers with important information about a property during the conveyancing process.

P/OPurchase Of. Referring to a “Purchase” matter.

REDRedemption. This is when you pay off your mortgage in full before the end of its term.

S/OSale Of. Referring to a “Sale matter.

SSOL – This is used to refer to the Seller’s Solicitor.

SRASolicitor’s Regulation Authority. This is a regulatory body that oversees solicitors and firms.

TEETransferee. This refers to the person who receives a property.

TORTransferor. This refers to the person who transfers the title or interest in a property to another party.

T/ETransfer of Equity. A legal process that changes the ownership of a property by adding or removing someone from title deeds.

TR1 – This is the Transfer Deed for Land Registry. It incudes crucial pieces of information that affect how the property is transferred and subsequently held, and for what consideration.

 Please don’t hesitate to contact our experienced Conveyancing team on 07153 486 777.