Conveyancing Pricing
The conveyancing fees listed are fixed fees to carry out the work required.
Basic Fee Scale
Price From | Price To | Legal Service Fee FROM VAT | Total |
£0 | £250,000 | £850.00 20% 170.00 | £1020.00 |
£250,001 | £500,000 | £950.00 20% 190.00 | £1140.00 |
£500,001 | £700,000 | £1150.00 20% 230.00 | £1,380.00 |
£700,001 | £800,000 | £1250.00 20% 250.00 | £1,500.00 |
£800,001 | £1,000,000 | £1500.00 20% 300.00 | £1,800.00 |
£1,000,0001 | £2,000,000 | £1950.00 20% 390.00 | £2,340.00 |
Over £2,000,000.00 | N/A | In respect of transactions which exceed £2,000,000 we will provide a more bespoke fee proposal based upon your specific requirements, at the hourly rates of £385 per hour plus VAT. Please contact us to discuss. | N/A |
Additional fee:
Fee Name | Type | Fee VAT | Sub Fee Type | Condition | VAT |
Office Copy Entries (per entry) | Fixed | £7.00 Non | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
Leasehold or Freehold Management Fee | Fixed | £450.00 20% | Professional Charges | Tenure=Leasehold | Yes |
Electronic AML (per person, UK resident) | Fixed | £15.00 20% | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | Yes |
Telegraphic Transfer Fee | Fixed | £40.00 20% | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Redemption of Charge | Fixed | £100.00 20% | Professional Charges | Redeeming a Mortgage | Yes |
Archive Fee | Fixed | £35.00 20% | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Price From | Price To | Legal Service Fee | Total |
£0 | £250,000 | £900.00 20% 180.00 | £1080.00 |
£250,001 | £500,000 | £995.00 20% 199.00 | £1,194.00 |
£500,001 | £700,000 | £1,250.00 20% 250.00 | £1,500.00 |
£700,001 | £800,000 | £1,400.00 20% 280.00 | £1,680.00 |
£800,001 | £1,000,000 | £1,600.00 20% 320.00 | £1,920.00 |
Over £1,000,000 | N/A | In respect of transactions which exceed £1,000,000 we will provide a more bespoke fee proposal based upon your specific requirements, at the hourly rates of £385 per hour plus VAT. Please contact us to discuss. | N/A |
Additional Fee:
Fee Name | Type | Fee VAT | Sub Fee Type | Condition | VAT |
Acting for the Mortgage Lender | Fixed | £100.00 20% 20.00 | Professional Charges | Mortgage==Yes | Yes |
Official Search Fee | Fixed | £10.00 20% | Third Party Disbursement | Always Applied | Yes |
Bankruptcy Search Fee | Fixed | £10.00 non | Third Party Disbursement | Always Applied | No |
Land Transaction Administration Fee | Fixed | £100.00 20% 20.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Search pack | Fixed | £475.00 non | Third Party Disbursement | Always Applied | No |
Leasehold Fee or Freehold Management Pack | Fixed | £750.00 20% 150.00 | Professional Charges | Common Parts | Yes |
Electronic AML (per person, UK resident) | Fixed | £15.00 20% | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | Yes |
Telegraphic Transfer Fee | Fixed | £40.00 20% 8.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Archive Fee | Fixed | £35.00 20% 7.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Transfer of Equity:
Price From | Price To | Legal Service Fee | Total |
£0 | £1,000,000 | £950.00 20% £190.00 | £1,140 |
Additional Fee:
Fee Name | Type | Fee VAT | Sub Fee Type | Condition | VAT |
Land Transaction Administration Fee | Fixed | £100.00 20% 20.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Bankruptcy Search Fee (per person) | Fixed | £10.00 non | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
Land Registry Search Fee (per entry) | Fixed | £7.00 non | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
Electronic AML (per person, UK resident) | Fixed | £15.00 20% | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | Yes |
Bank Telegraphic Transfer Fee | Fixed | £40.00 20% 8.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Archive Fee | Fixed | £35.00 20% 7.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Price From | Price To | Legal Service Fee | Total |
£0 | £1,000,000.00 20% | £950.00 | £1,140.00 |
Additional Charges:
Fee Name | Type | Fee Vat | Sub Fee Type | Condition | VAT |
Office Copy Entries (per entry) | Fixed | £7.00 non | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
Telegraph Transfer Administration | Fixed | £40.00 20% 8.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Bankruptcy Search Fee (per person) | Fixed | £10.00 non | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
Archive Fee | Fixed | £35.00 20% 7.00 | Professional Charges | Always Applied | Yes |
Electronic AML (per person, UK resident) | Fixed | £15.00 non | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
Searches | Fixed | £725.00 (approx. Depends on Lender Requirements) | Third Party Disbursements | Always Applied | No |
If you’d like to discuss a conveyancing matter further then please submit your details in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.