Fit For Work is a new service currently being rolled out by Health Management Limited.
Fit For Work will be offering occupational health assessments and general advice on the issue of health and the workplace. It has not yet been widely publicised but it will be free to use and will be available to all employers and employees. The advice line is already up and running and we are sure that it will quickly become an established resource and useful first step for both employers and employees dealing with sickness issues.
The referral service equally will no doubt prove to be very useful for all employers who have limited or no in-house occupational health services. Employers will be able to refer eligible employees for assessments. The aim of the service is to assist employees returning to work after a period of sick leave (or those in work but struggling with illness and/or disability) but the service will prove just as useful to employers keen to manage sickness. For now, employers can refer through their GP if the service has rolled out in their area.