Probate Costs Guide
If you would like Aston Bond to obtain the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration only for simple estates (with no assistance in the administration of the Estate) our fees are fixed at £1,500.00 plus VAT and disbursements. Where a transferable nil rate band from a predeceasing spouse is required to be applied our fees are fixed at £1,750.00 plus VAT and disbursements.
If you would like Aston Bond to obtain the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration only (with no assistance in the administration of the Estate) where form IHT400 and ancillary schedules are required, our fixed fees start at £2,000.00 plus VAT and disbursements. The fees may increase depending on the complexity of the Estate, for example, if taper relief on lifetime gifts applies or double grossing up calculations are required a fixed fee will be agreed between you and your solicitor at the outset.
If you would like Aston Bond to obtain the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration and deal with the Administration of the Estate (either in part or wholly) then the hourly rate of the solicitor dealing with your matter will apply. Our hourly rates are as follows:-
- Partners and Consultants – £385.00 +VAT
- Head of Wills & Probate (Solicitor)& senior solicitors – £285.00 +VAT
- Assistant Solicitors/Legal executives – £185.00 – £250.00 +VAT
- Paralegals/Legal assistants – £150.00 +VAT
- Trainee Solicitors – £150.00 +VAT
** VAT is charged at the (current) standard rate of 20% **
We estimate that an average Estate takes between 20 and 30 hours work but this estimate will increase if the Estate is more complicated. Examples of what might make an Estate more complicated include, but are not limited to, the following:-
- Unlisted stocks and shares require bespoke valuations;
- Family disputes or claims against an Estate;
- Unusual or foreign assets;
- Disagreements between Executors or Personal Representatives;
- The need for Taper Relief to be calculated;
- The requirement of a Double Grossing Up calculation for Inheritance Tax; and
- Insolvent Estates.
As the Executor(s) or Personal Representative(s), you will be legally responsible for the payment of our fees, however, we accept that the Estate will be primarily responsible. If for any reason payment cannot be made from the estate we will look to you for payment. Please note that provided you act reasonably as the Executor(s) or Personal Representative(s) then there should be no reason for you to incur costs personally.
Where we are instructed to obtain the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration and deal with the Administration of the Estate (either in part or wholly), we aim to raise invoices on a regular basis to keep you apprised of ongoing costs; the first invoice is raised once the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is applied for, with further invoices being raised around every three months for the duration of the administration period thereafter. Provided we are in receipt of estate funds on account, our invoices will be deducted from those monies held on account. In some cases, it might not be appropriate to raise invoices as regularly as this, for example where estate funds are tied up in property which has yet to be sold, and in those circumstances, alternative arrangements can be agreed between us.
We also estimate that the following disbursements (which may change) will be payable in addition to our fees:
- HMCTS Probate Application fee of £273.00 plus £1.50 per copy of the Grant required – Non-vatable; and
- Land Registry office copies fee £3.00 per property. Non-vatable
- If applicable: Swear fee of £5.00 to swear an Oath or Affidavit plus £2.00 for the exhibit (i.e. the Will) – Non-vatable