May 24, 2016

Aston Bond – The London Legal Walk Team 2016

This post was written by: Susan Clements

On 16th May 2016, Aston Bond participated in The London Legal Walk to raise money and awareness for people that volunteer to help people obtain legal advice and representation when they otherwise would not be able to.

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There were as many at 618 teams walking the 10km walk. Luckily for us, the day was dry and super sunny. We walked along Southbank through Hyde Park, walked past Buckingham Palace (her Majesty the Queen was not in that day unfortunately) and through Charing Cross. The walk didn’t even seem that long due to the lovely weather. We also stopped at The Serpentine Café for a cheeky ice cream and a drink – it’s always traditional in England to have an ice cream when the sun is out.

As we got to the end of the walk, which finished at the back of The Law Society, there was a street party with an abundance of different food stalls and plenty of drinks ready for us weary walkers. There’s nothing like finishing a 10km walk and having a cold beer and some freshly cooked paella! Music was the essence of the party with Jamaican steel drums and Dhol players along with flame jugglers, people on stilts and a couple dressed up as bushes – talk about entertainment!













All-in-all the day was pretty much perfect with amazing scenery and the sun shining on us along with entertainment, refreshments and many types of different street food. Congratulations to everyone that walked The London Legal walk and for successfully raising £700,000! 

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