December 16, 2022

The impact of snow – advice for employers

This post was written by: Laaibah Bhatti

The snowy and icy conditions means a heavy cost to employers in staff absences. With staff arriving later than usual, or even unable to make it into the office, the accumulated loss of labour has a substantial impact on businesses.

Employers must ensure they are clear and consistent about their policy regarding staff absences due to poor weather conditions as well as ensuring that they have a duty of care towards their employees. Employers forcing employees to travel into work in dangerous conditions, under the threat of pay being deducted could be breaching a duty of care.

Have disaster recovery plans in place to ensure that key personnel are always contactable, whether remotely or not, and make provision for people who genuinely cannot make it in to work from home.

It would also be wise to make it clear what happens should children’s school close leaving working parents with no childcare.  A clear policy helps staff know what to expect and what to do in such situations. 

Ultimately, employers need to be sensible and pragmatic; it is most probably the case that employees are as frustrated by the snow as their employers! It is crucial to always put your employee’s safety first.

At Aston Bond, we understand that these harsh weather conditions could leave many employees hesitant to travel into work and places a great strain on employers. If you would like some advice and support during this colder spell then our very own employment solicitor Ilinca Mardarescu is happy to help.

Please contact her on